By Shanae Branham
Release date: August 20, 2012
Received from author in exchange for honest review
What the back of the book has to say ...
Jason Tanner lives between two worlds.
Problem is, only one of them is real.
As a computer prodigy, Jason has spent his life with limited social contact due to his father's secretive work on a hologram machine that can create digital immortality. When his father is murdered and framed as the Comfort Killer, Jason is targeted as the killer's new fall guy. Having spent much of his youth living in the virtual world his father created, he must now go on the run if he is going to save himself, his brother, and the beautiful girl next door.
An exciting, action-packed ride to a future happening today, Shanae Branham's modern techno-thriller is the perfect exhilarating adrenaline rush for a a techno-savvy generation. Expertly weaving cutting edge technology with almost unbearable suspense, she crafts wild, white knuckled thriller that pushes the boundaries of science. Full of intensity and extraordinary vision, DiSemblance attacks the senses as it challenges the mind and imagination.
To say we enjoyed this book would fall short of the truth. We freaking loved it and that's saying something when BOTH of us like it. We can count the number of books we've both read on a three-fingered hand (not including the Harry Potter series, that's just a given). Our reading tastes are just that different. So finding a book that appeals to both of us is a true gem.
One of the main things we loved so much about DiSemblance is how fast paced it is. It grabs you from the very beginning and doesn't let you go until long after the words have ended on the page. Just when you think you have a moment to rest -
Nick: It grabs you by the shirt, throws in the car, and floors it onto the road without even letting up on the gas. It is literally that fast. Forget waiting on a new chapter to get things started. It just starts it in the next paragraph. Almost like watching a movie that is wasting no time to get to the good stuff.
We also loved the mystery. So much so that it's sparked a new love for mysteries in Nick. We had no idea where this book was going! But, you know, in a good way.
Jenny: Ugh! I don't know how many times I shouted, "Argh! I have no idea what's going to happen next!!" and I pride myself in being able to guess such things in books I'm reading!
There is so much more that we loved about this book we could go on, but we don't want to ruin all the wonderful twists and turns. We will say that guys are clueless jerks at times even when they're trying hard not to be, but girls don't always understand either. And your mind is your greatest weapon.
As far as what we didn't like, well, that's a pretty short list. It would have been nice to get to know a few of the characters a little more. Maybe more about Boston and her camera or more about Jason's brother Isaac.
One thing's for sure, few characters walked out of that story without a concussion. No better way to knock a man out than with the butt of a gun!
We recommend this book to anyone who likes a fast paced mystery.
Jenny: And the holodeck from Star Trek.
Be sure to check out our first My Indie Monday post where we've invited Shanae to share a little bit more about DiSemblance with us. There just might be a giveaway. Oh, who are we kidding? Of course there's a giveaway! Because we love you and we love this book and we'd love for You to read This Book!
Thank you for the great review!
Just moved this into my to-read list on Goodreads. Thanks!