Feature and Follow is a weekly Meme hosted by Parajunkee of
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Alison Can Read designed to increase followers and make new friends!
Today's topic:
Share! Tell us about one of your hobbies that is NOT reading.
I love dabbling in crafts and DIY projects around the house, but I have to say a major hobby of mine that isn't reading is making art dolls I call Faceless Fancies.
Here are a few of my favorites:
(from Left to Right)
- A doll modeled of of the cover of the YA novel Possess by Gretchen McNeil (hardback edition)
- A simply elegant design of my own making,
- Rapunzel and Flynn Rider
- Harry Potter and Dobby based off the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
- DC's Nightwing and Oracle complete with wheelchair.
Pretty neat huh? You can see more of them on the Faceless Fancy page here on my blog or on my
Faceless Fancy Facebook page. (try saying that three times fast lol.)
The Hubbins and I also longboard in our free time. Mostly cruising local trails and streets. Its pretty relaxing.
So how about you? What are your non-reading hobbies?